Tax Preparation Service in Orlando, FL
Don't Pay More Than You Have To
For most Americans, taxes are the single biggest expenditure year in and year out. When faced with such a large recurring payment, you should be sure that you aren’t paying more than you have to. Getting your taxes prepared by a tax preparation professional can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars on your taxes and keep the IRS out of your mailbox.
At Nelson Financial Planning, our tax preparation and financial planning team has over 30 years of experience serving individuals and families across the Orlando, FL area. When you bring your taxes to us, we use our comprehensive tax code knowledge to prepare your taxes quickly and correctly, all while saving you as much money as possible. We specialize in tax preparation and investment services for retired clients and work to build a sound investment plan to help you get the most out of your retirement benefits, pension plan, and 401k plan. Read on to learn more about our tax services, and call our office at 407-629-6477 to schedule an appointment with us today!
What Can Affect Your Taxes?
There are only two things guaranteed in this life—death and taxes. At least with taxes, you can try to minimize their effect. Our tax system in this country is desperately in need of a complete overhaul. The current tax code covers over 72,000 pages and is a marvel in complexity and exceptions. Depending on your income level, taxes can claim over one-third of your money. This is a particular concern if you are planning for retirement.
As part of our retirement savings plan, our financial planners look ahead at your potential tax bill in retirement and provide retirement advice to help you budget for this expense. We pay particular attention to tax situations that allow for free withdrawals of pre-tax retirement assets. In addition, we also focus on the levels of income that trigger taxation of Social Security benefits. These are just two of the scenarios that can occur in retirement that have a dramatic impact on your retirement income.

Before You Retire: Our Three-Step Tax Preparation Process